Harriet Digby and Angela Rayner MP.

My Labour Party story

  • Harriet Digby and Angela Rayner MP.
  • Harriet Digby and Wes Streeting MP.
  • Harriet Digby and Dr Rosena Allin-Khan MP.
  • Harriet Digby and Bridget Phillipson MP.

I became a Labour Party supporter in 2010 as the results of the General Election became apparent. At University, I could get away with campaigning without paying for membership – I was using sharpies to cover up the holes in my shoes, I did not have ‘membership money’ – but I finally became a member in 2012. I became the Communications Co-ordinator for the Nottingham Trent University Labour Society, and then the Secretary the following year. Shortly afterwards, I moved to Holborn & St Pancras, where I first met Sir Keir Starmer, and where I campaigned for him during the 2015 General Election.

In 2016, I moved from strong Labour communities, to a Tory safe-seat and my enthusiasm dwindled. Without a car, getting to meetings was difficult, and I would only put in a shift for a general election as I assumed that there was no way this reckless Government could last. Then, in 2019, after walking in thunderstorms to deliver leaflets, getting scars on my legs from walking in wellies, we sat in the Newark Labour candidate’s front room and awaited the exit poll. The results came in and we sat in silence. We were speechless. How could Boris Johnson be elected as our Prime Minister? Boris. Johnson. This moment changed everything for me. At this point, I realised that the ‘just’ outcome won’t just happen. Justice has to be fought for. I then committed to pulling my weight for the Labour Party. I have a career in negotiations, project management, and scoping out new solutions. I had delivered huge pieces of work, to tight timescales and under-resourced. I had delivered the impossible: I can do this.

October 2020, my husband and I relocated to Surrey so that he could become a fully qualified barrister. We immediately got involved in our CLP, where I was elected Secretary & Women’s Officer. I applied to work for MPs in London in the hopes of contributing as much as I could, I often got to the final round but was pipped-to-the-post by former staffers who had lost their respective MP the year before. It was here that I received feedback from Anya Sizer (to whom I am incredibly grateful) following an interview. She recognised something in me and gave me advice as to how to progress my Labour journey, and I immediately did everything she said. I said yes to every single opportunity going, put myself forward for every spot, and read everything I could get my hands on.

Now, April 2022, I am the Surrey representative on the Regional Executive Committee, supporting Surrey Co-operative Party’s executive committee, a member of Unite, a Fabian, a LWN political school graduate, a member of the Labour Society of Campaigners, and of Labour Housing Group. I have also been shortlisted to be the Gedling candidate at the next general election, and I am using this opportunity to share the information I learnt with the next generation, just as Anya did with me.


